Chris Heria: A Calisthenics King’s Workout Routine & Diet Plan

Last Updated: March 31, 2022

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“What you can do today can improve all of your tomorrow.”- Chris Heria.

These are words from the pro bar athlete and certified personal trainer Chris Heria. He has been renowned and branded as a street workout champion and a Founder of the famous ThenX Fitness.

Chris always has that perfect Greek Gods physique, a fully sculpted and toned body. His intense workout routine is now very popular with most youths today. But before achieving such a chisel physique, he has been through a lot of intense and solid training, plus a very strict diet plan.

So, to look like Chris, having a Greek God body, let’s find out all of his secrets, including working out a routine and diet plan.

Let's know more about Chris Heria

Born on December 21, 1991, in Miami, Florida, Christian D. Heria or popularly known as Chris Heria, is an American certified personal trainer who has a big name and reputation in the fitness industry. He finished his schooling at the St. Brendan High School in 2008.

He is a renowned CEO of ThenX, and a fitness program that consists of calisthenics and a workout routine with weights. He is also the founder of the popular The Miami Trainer and other fitness institutions like Calisthenics Evolution Institute and the Calisthenics Academy.

More than that, Chris is also an athlete, best known for playing pro bar and a street workout champion. He has always been open to sharing his diet and workout plan whenever he was interviewed.

One of his accomplishments is creating an app that allows anyone to sign up, access, and use it to perform calisthenic workouts using smartphones. You may want to check that out as it’s packed with great routines.

He does a lot of crazy, short workout routines. You can check an example of this in the video below:

Chris Heria's Workout Routine

Before Chris started working out, he stayed hydrated during the entire session by drinking lots of water or energy drinks. He also ensures to do some stretching or warm-up exercise as it can help to avoid any injury.

‘If I’d known exactly what progressions to do, in the exact order, I would have achieved these exercises way sooner, and I would have hit way fewer plateaus in the process.’

He works out for 2-3 hours/ day and six days a week. Both cardio and stretching are vital to Chris’s workout regime. Here is the detailed workout routine for Chris from Monday until Saturday.

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Chris Heria’s Workout during Monday

  • Any cardio exercise for 10 minutes
  • 10 minutes with a rowing machine
  • Box step-ups of 15 reps
  • 100 front squats
  • Deck squats of 15 reps, three sets
  • Clean of 2 reps, three sets
  • Kettlebell squats of 5 reps, three sets
  • Sit-ups of 20 reps, three sets
  • Man-makers with a dumbbell of 20 reps, three sets
  • Bench press of 10 reps, six sets
  • Military push press of 12 reps, four sets
  • Arnold press of 12 reps, four sets
  • Squat assisted push press of 25 reps, two sets
  • Hammer curls of 12 reps, four sets

Chris Heria’s Workout during Tuesday

  • 20 dumbbell push press
  • 20 burpee pull-ups
  • Wall Ball of 50 reps, three sets
  • Ten pull-ups
  • Wall slam of 50 reps, three sets
  • Ten dumbbell push press
  • Ten burpee pull-ups
  • Wall squats of 5 reps, three sets
  • Squats of 100 reps, 1 set
  • Goblet squats of 5 reps, three sets
  • Lunges of 20 reps, three sets
  • Split jumps of 20b reps, three sets
  • Dead stop back squat of 2 reps, 1 set

Chris Heria’s Workout during Wednesday

  • 5 minutes on a rowing machine with easy speed
  • 5 minutes on a rowing machine 
  • Dumbbell speed circuit 6 reps, three sets
  • Kettlebell swings ladder of 10 reps, 1 set
  • Goblet squat ladder of 10 reps, 1 set
  • Back squats of 100 reps, 1 set
  • Kettlebell push press of 10 reps, 1 set 
  • Wall Ball of 50 reps
  • Ball slam of 50 reps

Chris Heria’s Workout during Thursday

  • Push-Ups of 25 reps, three sets
  • Military push press of 20 reps, three sets
  • Arnold press of 12 reps, four sets
  • Squat assisted push press of 25 reps, two sets
  • Man-makers with dumbbells of 20 reps, 3 sets
  • Pull-ups ladder of 1-5 reps, three sets
  • Wall squats of 5 reps, 3 sets
  • Squats of 100 reps, 1 set
  • Goblet squats of 5 reps, 3 sets
  • Walking lunges for up to 20m, 3 sets
  • Split jumps of 20 reps, 3 sets

Chris Heria’s Workout during Friday

  • 10 minutes on a rowing machine for warm-up
  • Bench press of 10 reps alternating arms, 6 sets
  • Military push press of 12 reps, 4 sets
  • 45 seconds of man-makers with a dumbbell
  • 45 seconds of Arnold press
  • 45 seconds of hammer curls
  • Deadlifts of 12 reps, 1 set
  • Pull-ups of 12 reps, 1 set
  • Push-Ups of 12 reps, 1 set
  • Medicine ball slams of 12 reps, 1 set
  • Sit-ups of 60 reps, 1 set
  • V-ups of 60 reps, 1 set
  • Reverse crunches of 60 reps, 1 set

 Chris Heria’s Workout during Saturday

  • Air squats of 20 reps, 3 sets
  • Jump squats of 10 reps, three sets
  • Kettlebell goblet squats of 5 reps, three sets
  • 100 front squats
  • Box step-up of 15 reps, 3 sets
  • Deck squats of 15 reps, 3 sets
  • Burpee of 20 reps, 1 set
  • 60 seconds of bench press with alternating arms
  • 60 seconds of slosh pipe hold
  • 60 seconds of Arnold press
  • 60 seconds of resisted rope pull
  • 60 seconds of barbell corner row
  • 60 seconds of sit-ups

Chris doesn’t have any scheduled workout routine on Sunday, as it is his rest day.

Besides, here is Chris Heria’s equipment used during his training:

Chris Heria’s Diet Plan

When talking about diet, our body health always relies upon what kind of diet we prefer and what type of body we aim to achieve. Both eating and sleeping play an essential role in muscle building, so ensure to keep track of the foods you eat and the number of hours of sleep you have.

Chris is very accustomed when it comes to his diet; he makes sure to drink water first before eating his breakfast. This really helps him get hydrated the entire day, and even during his 2-3 hours workout routine.

‘If you’re not already doing so, being very aware of your macronutrients and having a balanced diet will immediately give you results,’ says Chris Heria.

Moreover, he always monitors to lower the carbs he intake. But if he thinks he’s on a boost mode, he increases his carbs intake and then does more heavy lifting and heavy workouts.

Here is the detailed diet plan of Chris Heria:


‘A lot of guys like to eat around 8 in the morning. I like to fast. It feels most comfortable to me.’

  • Biotin
  • Collagen
  • Glutamine
  • Fish oil
  • Water


  • 1 banana
  • BCAA
  • Water


  • 9 ounces chicken breast
  • 1 cup quinoa
  • 1 cup broccoli


  • 6 ounces salmon
  • 1 cup quinoa
  • 2 cups sauteed spinach
  • 1 cup asparagus
  • 1 cup peppers


  • 1 scoop whey protein
  • 2 cups nonfat plain Greek Yogurt

As listed, it shows us what food Chris is eating within a day to maintain such massive and chiseled muscles he has. It displays that Chris is eating almost six times per day but also practicing intermittent fasting. ‘I’ll probably eat for the first time, lunch, around 2 pm… It’s a personal thing for each and every person,’ says Chris Heria.

Here is a detailed list of Chris Heria’s Grocery lists:


  • Ground turkey
  • Chicken breast
  • Salmon
  • Egg
  • Shrimp
  • Turkey bacon


  • Broccoli
  • Asparagus
  • Quinoa
  • Balck beans
  • Spinach
  • Chickpeas


  • Greek Yogurt
  • Jell-o
  • Bananas
  • Grapes
  • Raspberries
  • Strawberries

Foods he avoids to eat

  • Empty-calorie Food
  • Fast Food
  • Junk Food
  • Fried Food
  • Refined Sugar
  • Chemicals
  • Artificial Additives
  • Hydrogenated Oils

Chris Heria’s Supplements

Yes, working out every day is essential in building and toning muscles, but a diet plan should accompany it. Chris also uses supplements to boost muscle gains such as Whey Protein, BCAA, and many more. Here is the list of supplements that Chris Heria used.


Before Chris starts his day, he ensures to dose himself with branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), which are essential to muscle growth, reduce fatigue from working out, and decrease any post-workout pain soreness, and prevent any muscle wasting.


Another morning supper of Chris is this collagen. This supplement provides lots of proteins in the body, which is essential in keeping up the muscles, tendons, skin, and hair. Using collagen can help improve joint health, prevent any bone loss, and even make skin firmer.


Chris also uses vitamin B7 or known as biotin. It is a supplement essential for building and repairing muscles and other tissues after the entire workout day. Plus, it helps promote healthy metabolism and improve heart, thyroid, and brain function. And it is essential in balancing blood sugar, giving you stronger nails and hair.


Next on the list of Chris’s morning supplements is glutamine. It is an essential amino acid that brings many benefits to the body. It can help promote muscle growth and performance and prevent wasting, burning fats, and regulating blood sugar. Also, it helps improve your digestion and boost brain function and strong immunity.

Omega 3 Fish Oil

Chris makes sure that he intake fish oil that is full of healthy omega-3s. This supplement is good for the heart and can support good eye health. It can even strengthen your bones.

Protein Powder

Chris intake this supplement during the night. It can help in growing and maintaining muscle mass. It can also help decrease any inflammation by regulating the body’s blood pressure, blood lipid levels, and blood sugar.

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Before having a Greek God’s body like Chris Heira, a need for high-caliber discipline, a solid and intense workout routine, and strict diet plans are all essential.

It cannot be achieved overnight and will take you some time before finally accomplishing such a perfect physique of Chris. Just take note of what he always says, ‘Every time I would see improvements in my strength…I would see it transfer over into my other physical activities.’

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