Bradley is known for his fitness expertise and a substantial social media following. He started weightlifting when he was fifteen years and worked as a fitness trainer in his twenties.
This bodybuilder and fitness trainer has participated in various bodybuilding competitions and emerged a winner in some. Although he no longer trains for competitions, he remains popular for his expertise in fitness, including the eating habits required to attain a body builder’s physique.
Let’s look into how Bradley has managed to gain and retain his shredded physique and what it has taken to get here.
About Bradley Martyn
Bradley is an American born on May 22nd in 1989. His earlier years were difficult as his father died of suicide when he was young.
He became consistent with gym training at the age of 15 and has remained at it ever since. Thanks to his in-depth nutrition and training experience, Bradley has been inspired to assist others with their fitness journey. He began a fitness program at the beginning of 2006.
He became famous after a series of viral stunts that spread across social media platforms. Some of his famous stunts include attempting to flip a car, benching a barbell with a girl holding onto one side, and jumping out of the pool waist-deep.
As with a few other bodybuilders, Bradley has a fitness YouTube channel which he started in 2014. It is here that he shares his diet and fitness routine videos.
Bradley is an internet sensation with a big social media following which has grown, earning him worldwide recognition as one of the most known fitness gurus today. This fitness enthusiast can be termed a jack of all trades because he also runs a gym and owns a clothing line called Zoo Culture. In addition, he hosts a podcast.
Some of his bodybuilding career highlights so far include 8th position in NPC USA Championships (2013), 1st position in NPC Phil Health Classic (2013), 10th position in NPC USA Championships (2012), 2nd position in NPC USA Championships (2011), and 1st position in NPC Southern California Championships.
Although Bradley still works out and maintains a lean physique, he no longer participates in bodybuilding competitions. His primary focus currently is on his social media engagements and other hustles.
Bradley Martyn Workout Routine
This bodybuilder advises people to work out depending on how their body feels. He has no fixed workout routine but allows his body to guide him. As such, Bradley may work out for seven days a week and four days in others.
Although his schedule may seem to be free-style compared to that of other bodybuilders, the free nature of the routine allows Bradley to avoid overtraining and burnout.
His workout routine may be tough to pin down into a specific order. Due to the absence of a routine workout schedule, Bradley adheres to particular guidelines that, together with his work ethic and self-discipline, ensure that he remains consistent throughout the year.
Stretching is one of his most vital guidelines. It enables his body and muscles to relax and become more flexible in readiness for intense workouts. Another important aspect is that Bradley focuses less on the core compared to a bodybuilder’s typical routine. He believes that core exercises are over-hyped, especially for those whose goal is getting abs.
Below is what Bradley Martyn’s typical routine looks like:
Chest Workout
His chest routine involves five exercises of 44 sets, each with a minimum of 12 reps.
- 4, 12 Barbell bench press
- 4, 12 Inclined dumbbell
- 4, 12 Machine chest press
- 4, 12 – 15 Weighted dips
- 4, 12 – 15 Weighted push-ups
Shoulder Workout
As for the shoulder workouts, his plan incorporates five exercises of 5 sets, each with an average of 15 reps each.
- 5, 10 – 15 Dumbbell press sitting
- 5, 10 – 15 Straight bar front raises
- 5, 20 – 25 Dumbbell lateral raises
- 5, 15 – 20 cable face pull
- 5, 10 – 15 barbell shrugs
Back Workout
On this back workout, Bradley plays four exercises of 4 sets and a mean of 12 reps.
- 4, 10 – 12 Wide grip lat pulldown
- 4, 10 – 12 Dumbbell row
- 4, 15 – 20 Bent over barbell row
- 4, 12 – 15 Strict pull-up
Leg Workout
As for the leg workout, he hits four exercises of 5 sets each and an average of 12 reps.
- 5, 8 – 10 Barbell squats
- 5, 10 – 12 Front rack lunge
- 5, 12 – 15 leg extensions
- 5, 12 – 15 Dumbbell lunges
Arm Workout
His arm routine involves 5 exercises of 4 or 5 sets. Some of the sets have about 10 reps, while he finishes off with triceps press till his body can no longer take it.
- 4, 8 – 10 barbell bench press (Close-grip)
- 4 Bicep curls with bands till failure
- 5, 10 – 12 Seated overhead triceps extension
- 5, 5 – 10 Strict sanding barbell curls
- Triceps press till burnout
Bradley Martyn Diet Plan
He is very keen on eating a clean diet. Bradley’s preference is natural, organic foods, and he keeps his diet simple by choosing a vegetable and meat and eating the same the entire week. He will then choose a different combination for the next week and stick to it.
His top 5 foods for muscle building are almond butter, salmon, quinoa, Greek yogurt, and bell peppers.
ProteinsBradley maintains his proteins and fat consumption high. He prepares protein shakes and adds raw vegetables, mixed berries, bananas, and whey protein to energize him for the day.
He changes his protein choice every other week, which keeps him from getting bored of eating the same food. He starts the day by taking a protein shake made of banana, raw vegetables, almond milk, and berries.
His protein sources vary from meat to whole eggs, chicken, and bison but he doesn’t fancy egg whites.
VegetablesIn terms of vegetables, he incorporates several vegetarian dishes in his diet for health purposes. However, Martyn insists that he is neither vegetarian nor vegan.
As with the proteins, he chooses one vegetable each week, meal preps it for the whole week, then switches to a different vegetable in the next week.
Because of his love for organically grown food, Martyn invested in Trifecta Nutrition who make pre-prepared meals.
CarbsMartyn eats minimal amounts of carbs while maximizing on vegetables and proteins. However, when he is working on packing muscles, he will feed on extra carbs. They energize him, but he remains careful not to overfeed on them.
A sample diet for Bradley Martyn would look like this:
- Eggs
- Salmon
- Whole wheat toast
- Bison Burger
- Flat Steak
- Quinoa
- Fish
- Green Salad
Bradley Martyn Supplements
Whey Protein. A protein shake is the first thing Martyn takes in the morning. He gets it from his line of supplements known as Origins. In some cases, he takes this too after a workout session. Bradley feeds on these supplements because it fills up his stomach, builds his muscles, crushes cravings while at the same time quickening in recovery.
Almond Milk. It is rich in magnesium and a muscle-building empire that helps muscles become less stiff.
Origins Amino-acids Complex. This fitness guru refers to this supplement as a bodybuilder’s ‘Holy Grail.’ It helps one become stronger, faster, and leaner all at a go while reducing soreness after a workout.
Pre-workout. Martyn’s pre-workout contains I-norvaline, citrulline malate, and agmatine sulfate. It helps him remain focused, reduce muscle tenderness, and improves energy blood flow.
Others. Other supplements he takes include multivitamins and creatine.
Bradley Martyn on Fasting
When preparing for bodybuilding competitions, Bradley practices intermittent fasting and incorporates it into his diet plan. This practice leaves him with a smaller time window on when he can eat during the day.
In general, intermittent fasting allows 12 hours of fasting and an equal window of eating. However, Bradley practices this fasting on a higher level fasting for up to 16 hours a day. He gets to benefit a lot by working out on an empty stomach during this window.
Now that he is not actively participating in competitions, he has changed his intermittent fasting approach and instead eats less carb and more fat and protein. By doing so, he is able to maintain a lean physique. Eating more fat may seem contrary to an ideal healthy diet, but Bradley says it helps him stay fuller.
Despite having had a challenging childhood, Bradley Martyn has made a name for himself in the fitness industry. His numerous wins and businesses he has started can be pretty inspiring.
If you want to follow Bradley Martyn’s workout routine and diet plan, then ensure that you pay attention to your body just as this fitness enthusiast advocates for. His lean and athletic physique is a result of hours turned into years of dedicated training and adhering to an appropriate diet. So do not expect results overnight, but with dedication and hard work, you are already halfway there.

Marko Rakic is a trail runner and fitness enthusiast from Sydney, Australia. He is the lead writer for The Ultimate Primate and believes the best way to live a happy life is through constantly challenging yourself.
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