Runners of all body types should have a running shoe that suffices their needs. Those who are more heavy should definitely also consider buying the best running shoes for their needs.
It has long been suggested that having a running shoe with maximum cushioning is the best for heavier runners. This isn’t necessarily always shoe, running shoes have been developed to account for different foot types whether you’re an underpronator or overpronator or simply just require a neutral fit. Shoes are designed for all shapes and sizes.
Opting for a shoe that has both great cushioning and a strong support base will be the most ideal for heavier runners. If you can find these features, whilst searching for the most lightweight choice for yourself (Don’t skimp out on the support though) then you’re likely going to find yourself the right running shoe for your foot type.
If you’re ever confused, don’t be afraid to go to a running shop first so that they can determine your running gait and make informed recommendations to you.
Down below we’ve tried to bridge the gap between the misinformation whilst providing you with a choice of running shoes that may be suitable for you and as has been compared by other heavier runners to be suitable through their reviews.
Best Running Shoes For Heavier Runners Compared And Reviewed
1. Asics Kayano Lite 3
Reasons to buy
- Designed with a nice gel cushioning for increased comfort
- The outsole is crafted with a good amount of traction
- Outfitted with a wide toe box
- Shoe is built with a mesh upper for improved breathability
Reasons to avoid
- Some may find the weight of the shoe to be a little heavier than they would like
- Lacks stability features in the upper
This running shoe from ASICS is designed with high-quality technology and materials to ensure it is super durable. Crafted with a foam sole and a mesh upper made from recyclable materials it is a great choice for heavy runners. Why exactly? Because it has a wide and stable midsole making it ideal for the bigger person.
The soft midsole also makes it very ideal for running long distances, so if you’re training for a marathon with this shoe and are a heavy runner you will likely get your miles worth.
There’s a lot that could be said about this running shoe, but overall, for those that are on the heavier side, the comfortability and attention to detail in this respect is what really makes this shoe shine.
Utilizing gel technology in the cushioning of the shoe allows for better shock absorption. The shoe also offers a good grippy sole for better traction and a wider toe box.
Unfortunately, there are a few issues that need to be addressed before any decisions are made. If a runner is looking for a lightweight shoe, this may not be the best option. There are some that feel that it’s a little heavier than it needs to be. Though there have been great improvements from the Lite 2 with more stability on the upper.
2. Saucony Triumph 19
Reasons to buy
- Cushioning included in the shoe is comfortable and responsive
- Crafted with lightweight materials for a lighter feel
- The upper is breathable and fits well
- Upper is crafted with recycled materials for a more eco-conscious shoe
Reasons to avoid
- Round and elastic laces are too soft and not as durable as other options
- Some may find the price a bit steep
This running shoe from Saucony is designed with a premium-grade rubber sole and subtle design features that elevate the aesthetic. Along with this, the design includes a plush and responsive cushioning that allows for a more comfortable fit. The shoe utilizes lightweight material to reduce leg fatigue. Along with this, the design includes an articulated eye-row.
For those runners that are on the stocky side, having a responsive and comfortable interior of the shoe can help ensure better results. These running shoes have that and so much more. Designed with a lightweight material, it is one of the lighter models on the market.
In regards to the upper, it is designed carefully and conscientiously. Made of recycled materials, the upper allows for a better fit and ventilation.
That being said, even with all the fantastic features included in this design, the shoe is not a perfect model. The biggest issue with the shoe may well be the price. Though you get what you pay for, if the runner is working on a limited budget, this may not be a good choice. Other than that, the elastic laces are round and super soft, which makes them less than durable.
3. Brooks Glycerin 20
Reasons to buy
- High quality upper elevates comfortability
- Designed to offer runner smooth ride transition
- The upgraded model has improved the ride
- Crafted with technology that improves stability and balance
- Great safety features for beginners
Reasons to avoid
- Some may find the energy return lacking a bit
- Upper may retain some heat
The Glycerin 20 from Brooks is designed with an elevated level of cushioning to ensure a nice internal fit and improved transitions. This design also includes a neutral support, making it a versatile running shoe as it can handle running and other gym activities. The super-soft cushioning gives a nice underfoot feel and allows for more comfort over an extended period of time.
The first running shoe I’ve ever purchased was a Glycerin, and used it for my first marathon as well. If you’re a beginner and a heavy runner this is a great shoe to start with in my opinion due to the cushioning which prevents many injuries that newcomers will run into by going too hard too fast.
This running shoe from brooks is designed for comfort and fit, making it perfect for the heavier runner. Although it is perfect for the heavier runner, it is also a heavier shoe so if you’re looking for a lightweight option then look elsewhere. You will feel the weight of these shoes as you start heading into uncomfortable mile territory.
However, a couple of issues could cause some to reconsider making this their running shoe choice. Though the upper is designed for comfort, it is also crafted with a material that tends to retain heat. This means that it gets a little warm, and therefore the feet may sweat a little bit. On top of this, the shoe itself has a lackluster energy return.
4. Adidas Ultraboost 22
Reasons to buy
- Running shoe is crafted in a modern design for a better aesthetic
- Offers a very smooth ride transition
- Crafted with high-quality materials for improved fit and durability
- Has a nice midfoot lockdown
Reasons to avoid
- The shoe is designed with a loose heel lockdown
- Not as budget-friendly as other options available
Adidas is a name that is synonymous with athletic wear and, in particular, shoes. For the heavier runner, the Ultraboost 22 is a great model. Crafted with a continental rubber sole and designed for excellent energy return and a sock light fit, this running shoe is a superstar. It doesn’t have many changes from the massive overhaul that we saw with the Ultraboost 21’s. According to Adidas however, the upper contains 50% recyclable materials found from the ocean so it is more environmentally friendly.
Though it has nothing to do with the overall performance of this running shoe, one of the coolest things about it is its style. Not every runner cares about this, but a good majority does, so having a running shoe that looks as cool as this one is a definite bonus.
But when it comes to the performance, this shoe doesn’t lack either. Its design allows for a smooth ride transition and a perfect fit while still being very durable. Plus, it has a nice midfoot lockdown.
It does have a good midfoot lockdown, but one of the issues that many people have with this shoe is that the heel lockdown is actually very loose. Other than that, the only other issue is the price tag. The price tag definitely reflects the fact that the runner that chooses this shoe is buying an Adidas.
If you’re looking for a more lightweight option than the Gylcerin’s yet still are a heavy runner then trying the Adidas on for size could be good.
5. Asics Gel Nimbus Lite 2
Reasons to buy
- The shoe is designed with sustainable materials
- Design allows for a consistent and stable ride
- Soft and comfortable as well as stylish upper
- Unlike many other running shoes, this model fits true to size
Reasons to avoid
- The shoe will require a bit of break-in before being super comfortable
- Not as bouncy as some would like
The shoe is crafted with a synthetic and mesh mix and finished off with a high-quality rubber sole. When it comes to the technology used in its design, this includes things like FLYTEFOAM, which helps the shoe have a lightweight feel.
Along with this, the cushioning inside is patented gel technology that helps with absorbing impact while running. It also contains an impact guidance system that will allow the runner to have a consistent gait.
Many runners, whether they’re heavier or not, are very into preserving nature. This shoe is almost solely constructed with sustainable materials, which will be a big bonus for those runners. But that’s not the only thing about this shoe that’s pretty spectacular.
Overall the design allows for a consistent and stable gait thanks to the addition of the impact guidance system. The upper is soft and comfortable while still making the shoe look pretty fly. Along with this, the running shoe has something that not many other running shoes have, and that is a true to size fit.
When it comes to the drawbacks, there are very few. For those heavier runners that like a little more bounce in their step, the shoe will be a little lacking in that department. Also, they will need to allow for a couple of weeks before the shoe becomes comfortable as the shoes will need to be broken in.
6. Saucony Ride 14
Reasons to buy
- The shoe is designed to require no break-in period
- Crafted with a wide body, making it suitable for those heavy runners with wide feet
- They can be used in more activities than just running
- Overall improved ventilation for better breathability
Reasons to avoid
- Responsiveness is not as good as other models
- Some have experienced heel slip issues
The Ride 14 is designed using a synthetic and mesh combination for a more comfortable fit. Attached to that is a premium-grade rubber sole. When it comes to comfortability, the runner is looking at high-quality cushioning that is not only soft but responsive so that no matter how long the run, they will be fine.
The frame of the shoe is crafted to be sleeker and more dynamic so that any runner will have a faster pace going out running.
Because of the careful consideration of the design, the shoe does not require to be broken in. This means that straight from the box, the runner can get out there and get going.
Though it is designed with a more dynamic build, the shoe is still comfortable for runners with wider feet, as many heavier runners tend to have. The versatility of the shoe is something else that runners will really appreciate as it can simply be a workout shoe. When it comes to breathability, the ventilation design is very good, which is important to runners.
The responsiveness of this shoe, though, is not as good as one might think it is. This could be a problem, especially for those heavier runners that need a bit more support. Also, there have been some runners that have experienced a bit of heel slip which could lead to more severe problems.
7. Brooks Beast 20/Ariel 20
Reasons to buy
- The unique design elevates the stability of the shoes
- Designed with guide rails for improved support and smoother ride
- Upper is crafted to enhance breathability
- Specifically designed for a comfortable wear
Reasons to avoid
- The outsole tends to get a bit dirty
- Due to additional features, the shoe is a little heavier than the previous model
This shoe is designed for those runners that need support and comfort, like a heavier runner. Because of its unique design, the shoe has also been certified as a diabetic shoe which is another feature that makes this shoe stand out.
The female version of this shoe is called the Ariel 20. It has a place when it comes to options for a heavier runner. The internal cushioning is soft and responsive while being durable.
With this model, Brooks has ventured away from the traditional design of the Beast/Ariel. But they did so for a good reason, as they added in a few additional features that help with stability and support.
The guide rails that are used in this design not only help with support but give the runner a smoother ride. Along with this feature, the upper is designed for superior breathability so that the runner is always comfortable.
New additions are amazing, but they do add a bit of weight to the shoe. This could be a problem for some heavier runners as it’s always nice to have a lighter-weight shoe. Other than that, the only issue is that the outsole does tend to get a bit dirty rather quickly.
8. Mizuno Wave Rider 25
Reasons to buy
- Shoes designed with high-quality materials making them ultra-durable
- Crafted with a heel that is both secure and stable
- The shoe offers a flexible and natural forefoot
- Upper is comfortable and designed with a gusseted tongue
Reasons to avoid
- Not as versatile as other running shoes on the market
- Rearfoot and forefoot cushioning is very different
This running shoe from Mizuno comes in a wide range of colors so that those runners who want to have a matching shoe should be able to find something for them. But more than the versatility of color, the patented designs that went into this shoe elevate it to a standard that makes it perfect for the heavy runner.
It is crafted with a high-quality foam that is durable and soft and a midsole and outsole of high-quality materials. The inclusion of these two outstanding technologies when it comes to the midsole and outsole gives this shoe a good level of shock absorption and responsiveness.
The designers who developed this shoe wanted to make sure the runner was given an option that would be durable and comfortable. This started with the use of high-quality materials that elevated durability.
Then they moved to the heel and made sure that it was both secure and stable so that the runner would have a reduced risk of injury and discomfort. The shoe itself is flexible and offers a natural forefoot. On top of that, the upper is comfortable and designed with a gusted tongue for a better fit.
There are a few issues, though. Many other shoes that heavy runners can invest in will give a better value because they’re more versatile. This truly is a running shoe and should only be used as such. Along with this, the cushioning of the rearfoot in the forefoot is very different. So depending on the runner’s feet, they may want to go with a different option.
How To Choose Running Shoes For a Heavy Runner
Like with anything else, the biggest hurdle is knowing how to choose the best shoes as a heavy runner. There are many different criteria that runners should look at, including support, cushioning, stability, breathability, comfort, and durability.
When it comes to supporting the runner, they will want to find a shoe that offers high levels of support because they will have more weight coming down, which could lead to foot problems and comfortability.
An individual needs to have excellent stability when running, especially if the runner is a trail runner. Stability pertains to balance and motion control. In order to find a shoe that has good stability, the runner will need to look for sturdy construction, a good outsole, midsole, and insole.
Other than that, breathability is important so that you’re comfortable and the shoes don’t end up smelling too bad. Comfort and durability play a hand-in-hand role, and because there is more weight being pressed down on the shoe, they may be the most important features to look for. Here are some factors to consider in more detail:
It is important for heavy runners to find a pair of running shoes that offer ample support to help absorb the impact of each step and reduce the risk of injury.
Extra cushioning can help to provide additional shock absorption for heavy runners and reduce the risk of impact-related injuries.
Look for running shoes that are built to withstand the wear and tear of regular use. Heavy runners may need to replace their shoes more frequently, so it is important to find a pair that is built to last.
Proper fit is crucial for any runner, but it is especially important for heavy runners. Shoes that are too loose or too tight can cause discomfort and increase the risk of injury.
Running can be a strenuous activity, especially for heavy runners. Look for shoes with breathable materials to help keep your feet cool and dry.
Running Tips for Heavy Runners
- Start with a good pair of running shoes that offer ample support and cushioning to help reduce the impact on your joints.
- Gradually increase your distance and intensity to allow your body time to adjust and prevent injury.
- Focus on proper form and posture while running to reduce the strain on your joints and muscles.
- Incorporate strength training and stretching into your workout routine to help improve your running form and reduce the risk of injury.
- Listen to your body and take regular breaks to rest and recover. It is important to pay attention to any aches or pains and address them promptly to prevent them from becoming injuries.
- Stay hydrated and properly fueled before, during, and after your runs. This can help to improve your performance and prevent fatigue.
- Consider seeking out the advice of a professional, such as a physical therapist or running coach, who can help you develop a safe and effective training plan.
- A pair of good running shoes is more like a good weapon for runners. With running shoes suitable for runners, when you are exercising or participating in a competition, you will get twice the result with half the effort, and even help you win running medal. The race medals custom stimulate the enthusiasm of runners to participate in the competition, which is also customized and prepared by the race party in advance for the race, so as to attract the fighting spirit of the runners and attract more running enthusiasts to join. This also makes many contestants prepare various equipment in advance, so a good pair of running shoes is essential.
Frequently Asked Questions
A heavy runner is someone who has a BMI of more than 25 or approximately weighs about 200 pounds.
This really depends on the arches of the runner. Those heavier runners with a high arch will want to look for a shoe that offers more cushioning and a good level of support. If the runner doesn’t have this issue, then the level of the cushion is really dependent on them.
The short answer is yes. The more you weigh, the more your shoes will have to withstand. This will lead you to go through running shoes quicker than someone who weighs less.

Marko Rakic is a trail runner and fitness enthusiast from Sydney, Australia. He is the lead writer for The Ultimate Primate and believes the best way to live a happy life is through constantly challenging yourself.